This is Ravi!!! Ravi takes one of my cross sweat classes and has come a seriously long way in his training since I've been with him. He RX's almost every workout, and he is starting to creep up on the fastest in the group. Today i brought jump ropes and Ravi said to me... "I'm terrible at this, I can only do it backwards!" First, I didn't believe him, but seriously, he jump ropes backwards!!! I guess his last coach wouldn't let him do it, which is silly!!! Look, as coaches, of course there are things we want to help our clients learn to do, but somethings they need to do their own spin!! Ravi jump ropes backwards like a bad ass, and she had him feeling bad about that, and that's bull shut!!! I say, hell yes Ravi, you rock that backwards jump rope! I wish I could do it!!! #crossfit #crossfitarc #xfit #fitness #fitfam #fitfriends #fitspo #instafit #crosssweat #parker #parkercrosssweat #bbg #bbgcommunity #gains #jumprope #backwards #youdoyou #motivation #bootcamp #inspire #evolve #quaddamn #coach #trainer #personaltrainer
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