📍PRE Doctor of Physical Therapy Facebook Group! 📍
Uniting Pre-PT students across the nation to provide support from fellow students and mentor shop from those who have walked in your shoes!
We've got you covered from GPA, finances, PTCAS, recommendations, observation hours, & the GRE. We have the keys to your success 🔑 ✅ Add your friends and share with your classmates.
Welcome to the Family‼️ #physicaltherapy #physiotherapy #physio #dptstudent #prephysicaltherapy #prept #predpt #predptlife #pta #ptastudent #ptaschool #socialpt #apta #bizpt #highschool #career #graduation #gradschool #undergrad #healthcare #school #college #freshman #senior #prom #personaltrainer #athletictraining #crossfit #smartsuccesspt #smartsuccess